Overview of Services
Programs and Services
Following identification, students in elementary school will participate in the Total School Wide Cluster Grouping Model where a group of gifted identified students is clustered into a mixed ability classroom with a teacher who is trained to differentiate for gifted students.
Our cluster teachers have been trained in best practices for meeting the needs of gifted learners including developing differentiated lessons, providing additional levels of complexity and depth and adjusting pace when necessary. Our cluster teachers also recognizing and supporting the social/ emotional needs of gifted learners.
Through our differentiated instruction, extension opportunities during What I Need (WIN) time and after school enrichment (including young authors and geography bee) we strive to offer productive struggle for each gifted learner. At our middle school and high school, gifted and high achieving students may have accelerated course offerings and can join a variety of clubs and activities that allow for students to invest and expand their talents.